Tuesday, March 19, 2013

oh so lovin' | patterns

Here are some of the patterns that I have been totally digging. 

1. jean with tiny white polka dots
2. ombre
3. geometric color blocking
4. native stand alone pattern
5. tribal print
6. vintage floral with stripped background
7. GOLD! I love gold and this triangle pattern
8. navajo print 
9. anchors galore


Friday, March 15, 2013

showing art at: iSanctuary

I am so excited to be partnering with an awesome organization called International Sanctuary (iSanctuary). This organization partners with survivors of human trafficking in India (a country near and dear to my heart) and empowers these survivors to be reintegrated into their community. 

With that I am honored to be one of there local artist that they are hosting on Friday, March 22nd.  I can't wait to unveil/display the current art pieces I have been working on. Each piece is an expression of what I am currently learning, words that have inspired me and designs/colors that enlighten my life.

Accept this invitation. I would love to see you at this event to support & celebrate the freedom of those who have survived human trafficking and support a great organization whose pursuit is to invite more into that freedom.

This event is 4 days, located in Downtown Fullerton. 
My art will be specifically up Friday, March 22nd. 
I personally will be there in the evening 
around 6:30pm-8pm. 

Hope to you see you there. 

iSanctuary Website link: www.isanctuary.org

Friday, February 22, 2013

friday's favorite: red is for love

Featuring "Friday's Favorite": red is for love - double rosette clip. 

Find it in my Etsy shop. 

Happy Friday.


Friday, December 14, 2012


wow. 13 days until i leave for India. so much to still prepare for.

i have been preparing mentally, physically and spiritually as much as i can but realizing that i must also prepare hairlly. yup i made it up. hairlly.

having such long, thick and wavy/curly hair, traveling to another country (where it will be HOT HOT HOT) can be an adventure in it's self. i have been in search of some good ideas on how to put my hair up while i am in India. below is my Pinterest collaboration.

also I am loading up my bag with: 

yup. it's magic in a bottle ($2.54 at Target). it will save my life i know it.

got any other ideas for me? leave a comment! 


Monday, November 19, 2012

so much jewelry

recently i was having a conversation with a friend about how much jewelry we each have and NEVER wear. this concept in our conversation strayed to, "we should have a jewelry exchange night".  i couldn't stop thinking about it. it really is a brilliant idea. to create a space where you bring all the jewelry you never wear, have some yummy desserts & shop around for free.

planning such event was pretty simple. invite a few friends, set up a shopping table, cut up some lemons for the water and you have a party!

we ended up having loads...and i mean loads of jewelry. it was fun, simple and we all got a chance to clean out our accessories and add a couple new ones.

here are some pictures from the evening.

i encourage anyone who has too much jewelry to host a party. it's fun & free!


*all left over jewelry is going towards an awesome cause and will be given towards women who need clothes and accessories for interviews to help them get back on their feet.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

to india

i am very excited for my upcoming humanitarian trip to india with rockharbor church.
this trip has been on my heart since graduating high school. it's been a unique journey for me and the process has been a patient one. around 2008 i was in motion towards going to india only to find doors closing- leaving the team & i- unable to go. we still met and prayed in anticipation of going the next summer. only to find out that the trip would be put off altogether for that time being.

i let go of the expectation that i would be going india in that season of life, yet held onto the hope that this spark for india will some day be fulfilled.

this past summer i experienced a sweet & wonderful season of life. i was ready for newness, risk and truly sensed a need to step out in faith into something wonderful/terrifying. and india is exactly that. wonderful/terrifying.

i am still unsure of why specifically this country has been so dear to my heart but i could not be more excited to experience it. all of it. and the beautiful thing is i don't have to experience it alone. we get to share in it together...

if you want to read ways that you can support/partner with me please check out this link: https://rockharbor.webconnex.com/indiadec2012meredithgalipault

also i am making necklaces that are designed and handmade by me- that when you purchase- will help & allow me to get closer to the amount i need to raise for this trip. check out my etsy shop!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

new! oh so mere blog...

there is something about a fresh start.
the exciting unknown that is attached with risk.

oh so mere is exactly that and more. it's the combination of made by mere shop(my handmade creations), my love for beautiful hair and face paint art.

please check out my website. it's where you can connect with me when it comes to the specific areas that are listed above. www.ohsomere.com

but this place. this blog is for so much more.
               it's a place for words...good words.
               it's a place for inspiration.
               it's a place for desgin.
               it's a place to share my creations.
               it's a place to highlight collaboration.
and a way for us to artfully adventure together through this crazy land of life.

thanks for stopping by and yay for new.
